
Confirm account ownership in real-time, 24x7 and without friction

99 % spanish accounts

verifiable through the service

93 participating entities

in the service

1 seconds on average

in the verification process

What is Valitic?

The account ownership service, Valitic, is a sectoral, digital and high-added value service, provided by Iberpay, which allows instant verification of the ownership of Spanish bank accounts in real time and 24x7.  Available for credit, payment and electronic money institutions, as well as for companies, individuals and public admnistrations. 

Developed by Iberpay and based on the same innovative technology of instant transfers, this service has the participation of all entities in the Spanish banking system, which allows confirming the ownership of more than 80 million payment accounts (99% of Spanish bank accounts)


Valitic is a digital service that helps reduce fraud in account-to-account payments, reduce errors in commercial transactions, payment and collections, as well as facilitate digital onboarding of clients in any business sector and in public administration. In addition, it allows the banking operationsthemselves to be significantly improved, since the bank reduces the frudulent and erroneous operations it receives from its clients, avoids exceptions and menual processes, and improves the automatic "end-to-end" payment process.


Service's keys. 

  • Confirmation of the ownership of any payment account, CIF/NIF against the IBAN code of an account, through a digital, instant and 24x7 service. 
  • Avoid fraud: verify the beneficiary's account in real time, for example, before sending payments of collections, or in the digital customer onboarding process. 
  • Reduce errors: annually, +5 million returns and more than 0,38 million rejections of payment operations are recorded. 
  • Certifies ownership: replaces the bank ownership certificate digitally. 
  • Most up-to-date reliable information in real time.
  • Universality and frictionless: +80 million verifiable accounts in Spain (≈ all), without friction in less than three seconds. 
  • Commercialization and access to the service through banks. 

How does the service work?



Account Switching Service

Step 1: Start the request: the process begins when an entity or client requests confirmation of the ownership of an account. 

Step 2: Verification request: the entity initiates the request with the ownership details of an account that is to be verified: CIF/NIF against the IBAN code of an account.

Step 3: Real-time verification: Iberpay uses its real-time technology to send said request to the confirming entity. 

Step 4: Ownership Confirmation: the entity immediately confirms whether or not the CIF/NIF is the owner of the IBAN of the account provided. 

Step 5: Verification Results: The verification results are sent back to the requesting entity. This processes take 3 seconds on average. 

Step 6: Use in transactions or business processes: with ownership information confirmed in real time, the company or client can proceed with confidence in its financial or commercial operations, avoiding fraud and errors related to account ownership.

Sistema de información del servicio

Users of the account ownership service users can access the information system , online and 24x7 to:

  • View the operations carried out within the service.
  • View statistics of the activity.
  • Find the list of participating entities in the service.
  • Availability of entities in the service.
  • Solve queries related to the service. 
Ordenador Titularidad De Cuentas

How do I join the service?

I am an entity:

Credit institutions, payment institutions and electronic money institutions can join the service as long as they have their own IBANs*.

To obtain detailed information and start this porcess, contact the Iberpay team through the email adress:


I am a company or individual:

Individuals, final companies and public administrations interedted in accessing the Iberpay acoount ownership service must request membership information from their trusted banking entity**. Some of our associated entities, such as BBVA, Kutxabank and BCC (Cajamar), are already offering this service to their clients. 



Contact us

I accept the Privacy Policy.

(*) To participate in our service, you must be an account management entity duly authorized by the Bank od Spain (BdE) or equivalent regulatory bodies. 

(**) Companies may access the service through a participating entity provided that the contractual conditions are met. Dissemination of the service to other companies or its incorporation as part of their range of products or services is expressly prohibited.