Iberpay's Interoperability Links

Iberpay's interoperability links enable entities to process and settle all their SEPA payment transactions with origin or destination in more than 4,000 payment service providers located in the 36 countries of the SEPA area in a simple, efficient and economical way.

Iberpay connects banks, companies and citizens to process and settle their payments within the SEPA area. To process non-domestic payments, Iberpay has implemented in its platform CICLOM several interoperability links with the main European payment systems.

We connect banks, accounts, citizens and companies to process their payments

We Connect Banks, Payment Accounts, Citizens And Companies 2022 V2


Iberpay's interoperability links:



The main advantages of adhering to Iberpay's links include the following:

  • They guarantee interoperability with all banks in the SEPA area at the lowest cost, thanks to the routing mechanisms established by Iberpay.
  • They simplify the operational processing and settlement, by channeling all SEPA traffic, domestic and cross-border, through a single channel, using the same messages, same technical connection and same operational procedure.
  • They reduce technical and operational costs, by unifying the processing of SEPA traffic, without requiring the development of specific applications or technical connections with other payment systems.