Bank Branch Information Service

Bank branch information service

Bank branches is a centralized directory hosted on Iberpay's technological platform that allows entities:

  • To validate the BICs to correctly route my transactions.
  • To be correctly identified by other entities when receiving transactions.
  • To detect incorrect BICs.
  • To detect BICs incorrectly generated by counterparties.

The bank branch information service provides users with online access to the data of all bank branches, entities and places that operate in Spanish territory, as well as detailed information on public holidays in those places. Connection to the service may be madethrough web services (automated) or through the web page (manual).



Bank Branches Information Service

Bank Branches


Developed with its own technology, the service maintains a centralized database hosted on Iberpay's technological platform CICLOM. The information is provided by the participating entities, as well as other additional sources of information, keeping it up-to-date and available for consultation.

Service users

  • Collaborator: entity that provides the data of its bank-branches and that can also access the information provided by the rest of the collaborating entities. Collaborating entities must be payment service providers, account managers with Spanish BIC*.
  • Viewer: user who can consume the information provided by the rest of the collaborating entities for information purposes. This mode of access to the service is open to any company or public administration.
  • Wholesaler: user consuming the information for commercial purposes, either as an added value layer in its services portfolio or as re-marketeer of the information.


What are the requirements to connect to the service?

  • Compliance with the functional and technical specifications of the service.
  • Ability to develop web applications that interact with SOAP or REST web services.
  • EDITRAN file transfer software; or secure file transfer protocol (sFTP) for file exchange.
  • Sign the corresponding adhesion contract.



(*) Payment service providers account managers are those included in the definition contained in article 4 (point 17) of EU Directive 2015/2366 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market, and in article 3 (pto, 33) of Royal Decree-Law 19/2018, of November 23, on payment services and other urgent measures in financial matters. The payment services that these account manager payment service providers can offer are those listed in Annex 1 (points, 1, 2, 3 and 4) of EU Directive 2015/2366.

Access to the bank branch information service:

Current users of the service may access the service through the following website:


Access to the system





Operating rules


Functional and technical specifications



Baja de entidades en SIO+
02 julio 2019 | Iberpay (97.7 KB)

Actualizaciones extraordinarias de SIO+
19 marzo 2021 (194.38 KB)

Fichero de días festivos del 2022 en plazas bancarias
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Entities' representatives in the services




More information

For further information, you may contact Iberpay by email to


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