Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is Iberpay's highest governing and administrative body and is entrusted, by Law, with the management and representation of the company.
The members of the board are currently 13 directors (12 of which are propietary directors, representing the main Spanish credit institutions, and 1 of an independent nature, who is also Chairman of the Board), a Secretary and a Deputy Secretary, being its members the following:
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is Iberpay's governing body to which all the delegable powers of the Board of Directors have been delegated performing the supervision of the company's projects and management. Its members are the following:
Audit and Control Committee
The Audit and Control Committee is a governing body of the company composed of four members from the Board of Directors and its purposes are regulated in the Board of Directors' Regulations. It is responsible for supervising the formulation of financial information and in the identification and control of risks.
The members of Ibepay's Audit and Control Committee are the following:
Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee, made up of four members of the Board of Directors, is an internal informational and consultative body created by the Board of Directors, without executive functions, with advisory and proposal-making powers within its scope of action.
The Sustainability Committee is made up of the following members:
Appointments and Remuneration Committee
Iberpay's Appointments and Remuneration Committee is a governing body of the company composed of four members from the Board of Directors and is regulated by the Board of Directors' Regulations. Its main functions are, among others, to support and advise the Board in the appointment and on matters related to the company's Directors, assessing the functioning of the Board and setting the objectives and conditions of the general management.
The Appointments and Remuneration Committee members are the following:
Shareholders Relations Committee
Iberpay's Shareholder Relations Committee, as detailed in the Board of Directors's Regulations, is composed of one representative of each Shareholder with no direct representation in the Board of Directors. and its purpose is to keep shareholders informed of the decisions and evolution of the company.
SNCE Technical Advisory Committee
The SNCE Technical Advisory Committee is a body for analysis and debate of the technical and operational initiatives related to the SNCE (Spanish Payment System) and its smooth functioning. Regulated under the 'SNCE Regulations', its members are representatives of all the direct entities, performing settlement operations, that participate in the payment system.
The members of the SNCE Technical Advisory Committee are the following:
SDA Technical Advisory Committee
The SDA Technical Advisory Committee is a body for analysis and debate of the technical and operational initiatives related to the SDA (Cash Distribution System) and with the handling and distribution of cash.
The members of the SDA Technical Advisory Committee are the following: